the queen of the gods


Discover the Majesty of Hera, Greek Goddess of Marriage, Family, and Sovereignty

Hera Human Form - Meet The Myths


who is hera

Who is Hera?


Hera is a fascinating figure in Greek mythology, revered as the queen of the gods and the wife and sister of Zeus. As the goddess of marriage, childbirth, and family relationships, she embodied the ideal woman in ancient Greek culture. Her beauty and grace were legendary, and her devotion to her family was unwavering. However, despite her noble qualities, Hera was also known for her vengeful and jealous nature, which often brought her into conflict with her husband and his lovers. Hera’s role as a goddess is complex and multifaceted, and her influence extends across many areas of life and mythology.

As one of the twelve Olympians, Hera held a significant place in Greek mythology, and her role extended far beyond just being Zeus’s wife. She was the daughter of the titans Cronus and Rhea, and the sister of Zeus, Poseidon, Demeter, Hestia, and Hades. Her Roman counterpart was Juno, who shared many of her familial and marriage responsibilities but did not possess her jealousy.

Hera was also the mother of several important gods and goddesses, including Ares, the god of war, Hebe, the goddess of youth, Eileithyia, the goddess of childbirth, and Hephaestus, the god of metallurgy. Her children represented important aspects of ancient Greek society, and their stories and myths often intertwined with Hera’s own.

Hera’s influence as a goddess in Greek mythology was far-reaching and complex. Despite her vengeful and jealous nature, she was revered as the ideal woman and a powerful figure in ancient Greek culture. Her stories and legends have continued to capture the imagination of people worldwide and will likely continue to do so for generations to come.




Symboles and roles

Hera was a prominent figure in Greek mythology, known for her strong and regal attributes. As the queen of the gods, she was associated with royalty and power, and often depicted wearing a crown or holding a scepter. Her primary role was as the goddess of marriage and family, and she was revered as a protector of women. Additionally, Hera was associated with the sky and weather, particularly with storms and lightning. Her sacred animals were the peacock and cow, and she was often depicted with these creatures. Overall, Hera was a powerful and revered figure, embodying the strength and majesty of the Greek gods.


Hera is considered to be the protector of women and their rights, and is often called upon to defend women who have been wronged or mistreated.


She is the patron goddess of marriage and fertility. She presides over weddings and ensures the success and prosperity of marriages.

Women in Childbirth

She is also associated with childbirth and the protection of children. She is often called upon to bless pregnant women and ensure safe deliveries.


Hera is the protector of family relationships, including siblings, parents, and children. She is often depicted with her own family, including her husband Zeus and their children.

Symbols & Representation

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As the Queen of the Gods, Hera is often depicted wearing a crown, which symbolizes her sovereignty and power.

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Hera is also associated with the scepter, a staff that represents her authority and control over her domain.

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The peacock is a sacred animal to Hera and is often depicted in her presence. It symbolizes her beauty, regality, and immortality.

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The cow is another sacred animal to Hera and represents her nurturing and protective nature, particularly towards women and children.

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Marriage Veil

Hera is sometimes depicted wearing a marriage veil, which symbolizes her role as the patron goddess of marriage and fertility.

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The cuckoo

The cuckoo bird is associated with Hera's marriage and fertility aspects, as it was said to be her sacred bird and the bird that announced the arrival of spring and the mating season.

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The pomegranate is a symbol of fertility and represents Hera's association with childbirth and marriage.




Stories including Hera

Her stories are filled with drama, romance, and betrayal, making her a fascinating character to study and explore. Through her stories, Hera offers insights into ancient Greek culture and beliefs, and her enduring presence in literature and popular culture continues to captivate audiences today. Discover below some of the most popular stories including Hera:

– The Twelve Labors of Heracles/Hercules: Hera was the stepmother of Heracles/Hercules and was known for her animosity towards him. She caused him great suffering throughout his life

– The Trojan War: Hera was a fierce supporter of the Greeks in their war against the Trojans. She frequently intervened in battles and was known for her hatred of the Trojan prince Hector.

– Punishment of Echo: Echo was a nymph who distracted Hera while Zeus was having affairs with other women. In response, Hera punished Echo by taking away her ability to speak her own words and forcing her to only repeat the words of others.

– Hera and Io: Io was a priestess who caught the eye of Zeus, and to hide his affair from Hera, he turned Io into a cow. Hera demanded the cow as a gift, and Zeus sent Hermes to rescue Io, but Hera tormented her with gadflies until she reached Egypt and was turned back into a human by Zeus.

And more…




Hera in the art



Frequently Asked Questions

In Greek mythology, Hera was often depicted as a beautiful and regal woman, reflecting her status as the Queen of the Gods. She was typically portrayed as tall and graceful, with fair skin, large, expressive eyes, and a serene expression. Her hair was often depicted as long and wavy, either styled in elaborate braids or left loose and flowing.

In terms of clothing, Hera was often depicted wearing a long, flowing gown or robe, often with intricate embroidery or detailing. She was also sometimes depicted wearing a crown or diadem on her head, symbolizing her royal status and power. Additionally, she was often shown holding a scepter, a staff-like object that represented her authority and control over her domain.

Overall, Hera’s appearance was one of beauty, grace, and regality, reflecting her status as one of the most powerful and influential goddesses in Greek mythology.

In Greek mythology, Hera was one of the twelve Olympian gods and the wife of Zeus, the king of the gods. The nature of their relationship varied in different myths and interpretations, but it is generally accepted that Hera loved Zeus.

However, their relationship was also marked by conflict, as Zeus was known for his infidelity and Hera often became jealous and sought revenge against his lovers and illegitimate children. In some myths, Hera even plotted against Zeus himself, attempting to overthrow him and become the supreme ruler of the gods.

Hera’s love for Zeus may have been genuine, their relationship was complicated and often turbulent due to the nature of the gods and the mythology surrounding them.

The ancient Greeks worshipped Hera in various ways, which included:

  1. Festivals and Sacrifices: Hera was worshipped through various festivals and sacrifices held in her honor. The most famous of these was the Heraean Games, a women-only athletic competition held in Olympia every four years. Sacrifices of animals, such as cows and goats, were also offered to Hera in her temples.

  2. Temples: Hera had many temples dedicated to her throughout Greece, including the Temple of Hera at Olympia, the Heraion on the island of Samos, and the Temple of Hera at Agrigento in Sicily. These temples were built to honor her and to serve as a place for her worshippers to come and offer prayers and sacrifices.

  3. Statues and Artwork: Hera was often depicted in statues and artwork throughout ancient Greece. These depictions often showed her as a regal and powerful figure, wearing a crown and holding a scepter or a pomegranate. These artworks served as a way to honor her and to remind worshippers of her importance.

  4. Oracles: In some places, Hera was worshipped as an oracle. People would come to her temples seeking guidance and advice on various matters, such as marriage or childbirth.